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4 Things You Can Do When Working With A Funeral Home To Plan A Memorial Service

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Funeral services allow surviving family members to lay their loved ones to rest, celebrate their lives, and grieve with friends and family. All the funeral services you need can be provided by a funeral home. Funeral directors, morticians, grief counselors, and other funeral home staff members work together to provide a healing experience for clients that is as simple and stress-free as possible. Here are four things you can do when working with a funeral home to plan a funeral or memorial service:

1. Meet with an advisor

Initially, you may be unsure about what funeral services you require. There are many decisions to make, such as choosing between cremation and burial. Additionally, you will need to decide what type of memorial service you would like to hold, if any. Many people like to tailor their memorial services to suit the personality and wishes of the deceased. You can meet with a funeral advisor who can talk with you and help you make these decisions.

2. Participate in the process as much or as little as you desire

Grief takes many forms, and no two people mourn their loved ones in exactly the same way. You may want to be heavily involved in the funeral planning process, or you may want to step back and allow the staff members at the funeral home to handle everything for you. Both of these options are equally possible when you work with a funeral home. For example, you can attend the cremation process if you desire. If you choose to take a more hands-off approach, you can simply pick up your loved one's cremains when they are available.

3. Hold your loved one's memorial service on or off-site

Many funeral homes allow clients to utilize on-site chapels for memorial services. Taking advantage of this option can simplify the funeral planning process. However, some people prefer to host memorials outdoors or in their places of worship. No matter where you'd like your loved one's memorial service to be held, your funeral home director will strive to accommodate you.

4. Ask any questions that arise over the course of the planning process

Each person you work with will strive to be as helpful and transparent as possible while you're making funeral arrangements. However, you may develop additional questions as you go through the process. Fortunately, funeral home directors are available to help. You can call or email your funeral home director in order to receive prompt answers and guidance at any step of the process.
